Works on commission
About me
Works on commission
About me
Metamorphoses (2024, 30×90)
What are we? (2024, 50×70)
Ibex (2024, 30×40)
Giraffe (2024, 40×50)
Foxes and dancer (2023, 50×70)
Everything is in relation to everything else (2024, 40×50)
Pavonia (Great Peacock Moth) (2023, 30×30)
Buitres (2022, 50×70)
Bear in the evening (2023, 40×120)
Peacocks(2023, 60×80)
Happy birthday (2023, 20×25)
Rats and Goats (2023, 40×50)
Rabenvögel (2022, 50×70)
Tree of Life and Death (2022, 50×70)
Anteater (2022, 15×60)
Dreamland (2022, 75×100)
The goat knows best (2021, 35×35)
Mapache (2021, 30×40)
Wolf (2021, 45×60)
Tuscany (2021, 75×100)
The Italian Parrot (2021, 40×40)
Foxy Lady / Carpe Diem (2021, 50×70)
One, two, three frog! (2020, 40×50)
Peace of mind (2020, 40×50)
Raven Queen (2020, 45×65)
We are never alone (2020, 75×100)
Der überfliegende Fisch (2020, 40×50)
Vulcan (2019, 30×40)
Sleeping Bear 5 (2019, 30×40)
Red Bear (2019, 40×50)
Sleeping Bear 4 (2019, 40×50)
Corrado (2019, 30×40)
Sleeping Bear 3 / Polar Bear (2019, 40×50)
Sleeping Bear 2 / Yellow Bear (2019, 55×65)
Sleeping Bear 1 / Indigo Bear (2019, 63×63)
Wedding bear (when it all began) (2019, 45×60)
Digitalagentur Forge12 Interactive GmbH