Some time ago, I participated in a beautiful Cocoa Ceremony. During the meditation, for the first time I managed to “let go” of the images and thoughts that promptly crowded my mind.
That night, in a dream I saw the very clear image of two peacocks about to take flight. One of them was a little aggressive, coming towards me as if to defend itself.
They stood up, a little awkwardly with their long, heavy tails. I could follow the movements of the colourful birds as if they were in slow motion.
I saw the shades of orange in the background with such precision that the next day I was able to look them up on the internet with the colour code (they do not exactly correspond to the colours in the painting – the fabrics at my disposal, the peculiarity of the colours and textures and their limited quantity always play a very important role in my creations).
I woke up and went over everything in detail, not to forget anything, because I knew: I had to paint them!