During the first lockdown in spring 2020, my work came to a standstill. Many of the companies I was translating for were closed.
After a few weeks I got worried and asked a friend if he knew someone in Turin who could install software that would predictably allow me to get more work.
I am no friend of technology. He gave me the number of a friend, we met, he did all the delicate and complicated work, sacrificing precious hours of his little free time.
I wanted to pay him, he said maybe a wine. I thought about buying a bottle or two for about ten euros… I didn’t know he had a passion for wine!
It went well because he changed his mind and asked me for a painting.
I knew only little about him, he was tall and handsome, always racing against time, he seemed stressed, his zodiac sign was Leo. The result was this wish.
Then I fell in love.